The biggest reason the Sound Immunity Program was developed was, despite new and ongoing research into misophonia and hyperacusis, very few professionals SPECIALIZE in the treatment of these disorders.
Some go to audiologists, occupational therapists, or mental healthcare providers.
The truth is, only a handful of these professionals truly KNOW HOW TO TREAT these disorders. And even if they do, they often use one approach instead of a combined approach. Also, they may be too far away or too cost restrictive to get the help you need from them.
I love working with those with misophonia and hyperacusis in my clinic. I knew there had to be a better way for people to get the help they deserve.
In my clinic, I have worked with both children and adults who have been able to take their life back, eat dinner with family again, or go to restaurants without fear or anxiety over the noise that may be present.